Breaking Through Barriers

In 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first person to step onto the moon, his famous words were, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” This was a barrier that, for centuries, had seemed insurmountable. For as long as humanity existed, the moon hung in the sky as an unreachable beacon. […]

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In 1884, the Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir was stricken with rheumatoid arthritis. Over time, his fingers twisted and became deformed, causing severe pain. But this did not deter him from his passion for painting. In fact, he modified his brushes to accommodate his condition, even having someone place the brush between his clenched fingers so […]

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Today, we will look into one of the most touching parables told by Jesus: The Parable of the Wandering Sheep. It’s more than just a story about a sheep that got lost and its shepherd; it’s a profound reflection on our relationship with God, our Savior. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus asks, “If a […]

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In the glorious narrative of the Transfiguration, we encounter the radiance of Christ’s divinity revealed to His disciples – a moment of pure joy, marvel, and affirmation of faith. The gleaming figure of Christ, the ethereal presence of Moses and Elijah, and the enveloping bright cloud convey a sense of divine grandeur. Yet, there is […]

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The Sisters of Mercy are a group of dedicated women of faith who embody the spirit of servitude and devotion. Today, I would like to share with you their mission statement and invite us all to reflect on its spiritual message. “The Sisters of Mercy envision a just world for people who are poor, sick, […]

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Fireworks and Freedom

As we celebrate this Fourth of July, the day of our national Independence, I’d like to reflect on the great and ever-resonant parable from Matthew 13:24-30. Just as in the lives of our forebears, our lives, too, are not a set of perfect Disney tales with stark and clear boundaries between good and evil. Reality […]

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Parenting with Purpose

This Saturday, we celebrated the life and legacy of one of our most venerated saints in the Armenian Church, St. Gregory the Enlightener. Today, we continue this celebration in our gathering and meditate upon his remarkable journey. His life and calling were not shaped in isolation but deeply influenced by a woman most of us […]

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Faithful Fatherhood: Lessons from St. Paul

Today, as we celebrate our fathers, we will reflect on the message of Ephesians 6:4, which says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Our reflection will offer some encouragement, maybe a challenge or two, and guidance for all the fathers out there. It’s […]

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This week, we commemorate the lives of Saint Hripsime, Saint Gayane, and their faithful companions. These holy figures, strangers to our land, are among the numerous revered Armenian saints who sought solace and shelter from persecution on our Armenian soil. However, their journey didn’t lead them to the safety they might have envisaged. In stark […]

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