This week the Armenian Church celebrates some of its most precious and beloved saints – Sts. Hripsime, Kayane and Gregory. St. Hripsime was a Roman nun, known to be extremely beautiful which was noticed by emperor Diocletian. To avoid his advances she, along with her community, fled their homeland, seeking refuge first in Alexandria and […]

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Remembering Prophet Elijah

Prophet Elijah is one of the greatest and most romantic characters in the Old Testament. He emerges into the biblical narrative with thunder. Only one verse after his introduction in I Kings we see him walking fearlessly into the court of the king Ahab and declaring a divine punishment of famine. His prophetic ministry was […]

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The 3D Glasses of Faith

Imagine for a moment that you are in a movie theater to see your favorite movie in 3D. You get your tickets, maybe some popcorn and then you grab the most important item – the 3D glasses, to fully enjoy the movie. Without them the movie would be blurry and impossible to watch. Without them […]

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In many ways, deacons are the conductors of liturgy. Their proclamations set the spiritual atmosphere and tone of the liturgy. They provide mental and spiritual guidance on when to pray and for what to pray -“Yev yevus khaghaghootyan uzDer aghachestzook” (again in peace let us beseech the Lord), and they also guide our physical posture, […]

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The Good Shepherd

During the Palestinian uprising of 1980s, a small village near Bethlehem refused to pay its taxes to Israel claiming that by paying they would be financing the occupation of their own land and country. The army retaliated by confiscating all the animals from the villagers and placing them in a large barbed-wire pen. Few days […]

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A Mother’s Love

Dostoevsky’s writings have always been a source of inspiration for me. He is an author who I came to appreciate and respect more over time. Dostoevsky is an author who recognizes the depth of darkness in the human soul but also sees holiness and hope in it. He is a writer who fully recognizes the […]

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Cast All Your Anxiety on Him

The covid-19 pandemic and the lifestyle changes and restrictions associated with it deeply impact us, our plans, freedom and alter our lives on every level. Suddenly, we realize that there is a form of pain that is universal, affecting everyone. We are reminded just how fragile life is and how vulnerable our bodies are. There […]

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The Power of a Promise

  “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” – Num. 23:19 Today’s Gospel reading echoes our Lord’s precious and timeless promise of the Heavenly Kingdom for those who embrace faith and […]

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