Birth is necessary to begin a life; baptism is necessary so that the child can start a “new life” as a child of God. This is not a conscious act of faith. God has already chosen us and entered our lives (Galatians 4:6). But it is through baptism that a new Christian is brought into the life of the Church and the hope of salvation.
Thus it is an act of the people of God and not a single individual. The Armenian understanding of baptism draws upon the evidence of Scripture and Tradition to baptize infants—who are pledged to a life in Christ by godparents and community—as well as adults. Individuals who have not been baptized are always warmly invited by the church to do so.
Baptism, chrismation, and Holy Communion are all given at the time of baptism. Together these make the new believer ready to fully participate in the life of the Church.
In the process of growing up, the child needs strength of body and mind. Chrismation, or the anointing with oil at baptism, seals him or her with the Holy Spirit, promising spiritual strength as a member of the Church.