The Divine Alarm Clock

The Divine Alarm Clock

It is probably impossible to find a person who likes an alarm clock. They interrupt and disturb our rest and sleep. But despite the fact how much we dislike being disturbed and woken up, we continue to set, use and rely on our alarm clocks. Why? Because when we have an important meeting or appointment, it is absolutely essential to ensure that we wake up at the right time. In his depiction of the Lord’s transfiguration, St. Luke writes, “Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, and when they wakened they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him” (Luke 9:32).

God works in beautiful and mysterious ways. He loves and comforts us like a mother, listens like a good friend and also, sometimes, like a divine alarm clock, disturbs our rest, peace and conscience. 

Imagine what would happen if the disciples had not woken up from sleep. They would entirely miss the magnificent miracle of transfiguration that the Lord wanted them to see and experience. 

God shakes our circumstances and lives when we lose our way to him and seek love, comfort and satisfaction in places where they can’t be found. He disturbs our rest and wakes us up when we fall into deep spiritual sleep unable to hear his gentle voice guiding and leading us to the top of the mount Tabor where He would be revealed with his full majesty, grace and beauty in our lives.

What do we do and how do we respond to Christ when he disturbs and awakens us? We can’t stop him from disturbing us because He does so of his abundant love towards us. But we do have a choice about what happens next. 

The alarm clock can awaken us but can’t drag us out of bed. Whether we get up or go back to sleep is entirely up to us. All Christ can do is awaken us when He has extraordinary miracles and blessings for us to see and experience. But having done that, he leaves the rest to us.

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