Hiding Behind Fig Leaves

The Sistine Chapel is arguably the most visited room in the world. About five million people visit the chapel every year and admire one of the greatest artistic achievements of all time. Every inch and corner of the chapel is covered by magnificent artwork. Michelangelo’s Last Judgment covering the entire altar back wall is perhaps […]

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The ancient myth of Narcissus is a fascinating story about a man who had everything to live a life full of joy and happiness. But he never recognized his blessings and missed every opportunity that life presented to him. Instead, he embraced and resorted to a life of self-centered admiration, which only led to delusion, […]

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Sermon – Lent: A Season of Bright Sadness

During the Great Lent everything around us appears to transform. We intentionally do things that subdue our mood by abstaining from foods and things we enjoy. The black closed curtain separates us from the altar, clergy start using black vestments. The monotone penitential hymns, the dim and dark churches and vigil services usher in sober […]

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Lent: Giving Up or Giving Back?

On Monday morning, after the hassle of who wears what and eats what at school, as we were driving to school Emma suddenly with a very concerned voice said “I still don’t know what my Lent is going to be”. At first, I did not even understand what it meant. She explained that she was […]

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