Slay the Dragon

If you are a Game of Thrones fan like me, then Sundays are an occasion for double joy. In the morning, we get to attend the Badarak, spend time with our community, and in the evening, we get to enjoy a fresh episode of House of the Dragon – the HBO sequel to the Game […]

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The Life & Love of St. George

There are hundreds of saints celebrated in the Armenian Church, but we can say with all certainty and confidence that Saint George is one the most venerated, loved and admired saints of all times for the Armenian Christians. Now, when we hear the name St. George, influenced by the common imagery of the saint, we […]

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This week the Armenian Church celebrates some of its most precious and beloved saints – Sts. Hripsime, Kayane and Gregory. St. Hripsime was a Roman nun, known to be extremely beautiful which was noticed by emperor Diocletian. To avoid his advances she, along with her community, fled their homeland, seeking refuge first in Alexandria and […]

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Remembering Prophet Elijah

Prophet Elijah is one of the greatest and most romantic characters in the Old Testament. He emerges into the biblical narrative with thunder. Only one verse after his introduction in I Kings we see him walking fearlessly into the court of the king Ahab and declaring a divine punishment of famine. His prophetic ministry was […]

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