June 15, 2020
Dear Faithful of St. George,
We hope this finds you well and safe as we continue to manage through the Covid 19 pandemic.
In compliance with directives and guidance from our Primate Bishop Daniel Findikyan and state and local
officials, we have been working on preparations for a phase II, partial re-opening of our church for
Sunday Divine Liturgy services.
Beginning, Sunday, June 28, 2020, the doors of our church will reopen for Divine Liturgy. We will
continue to live stream services for those more comfortable staying home.
We are attempting to be very cautious with safety as our highest priority. Complete disinfecting and
cleaning will be done on an ongoing basis. As a result, our opening will occur under the following
- Temperatures will be taken upon entering
- Face masks are required
- Use of Hand Sanitizer is required on entry and exit
- Disposable gloves will be available but optional
- A log book will be maintained of all attendees
- Pews have been marked to identify seating to ensure appropriate social distancing. As a result,
capacity is significantly reduced and will be on a first come, first serve basis. - No passing of the donation plate. Offering plates will be located on the table in the narthex.
- Restrooms will be available
- No Holy Communion
- No Mas
- No Coffee Hour or Fellowship
- No use of tables or chairs in hall
- Social distancing to be observed on church property including the exterior property
We look forward to this phase of opening and thank you for your understanding, cooperation and
patience. If you have any questions or special needs, please let us know.
With prayers,
Rev. Fr. Voski Galstyan, Pastor
Melanie Kevorkian Brown, PC Chair