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Great Lent – Day 12

Scripture Readings

Deuteronomy 7:11-8:1Job 9:1-10:2Isaiah 40:9-17


Daily Prayer Rule for Great Lent


“He will feed his flock like a shepherd;
he will gather the lambs in his arms,
and carry them in his bosom,
and gently lead the mother sheep.”

Isaiah 40:11

In one short passage, we find four different ways in which God works in our lives. He feeds, gathers, carries and gently leads us.

Through his life-giving and restoring Eucharistic communion and presence, through our prayers, study, and reflection of the Scriptures, God continuously feeds our souls and bodies. Our desires, decisions and choices impact the direction of our lives and often, we will venture off from his presence and lose our way back home. But no matter where we end up in life, he will always find and gather his children. He will guide and lead us gently, and not by force, by speaking through the familiar voices, faces of the people in our lives. The paths we choose and decisions we make sometimes will wound us and leave us unable to get back on our feet, walk and find our way back to home and his loving embrace. But He is always there, present in every event, thought and struggle of our lives, ready to help, heal and carry us back home.

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