September 9, 2020

Dear Sunday School Parents/Faculty:

We sincerely hope you all had a fun-filled summer with your children despite all the state restrictions. Now that our children are preparing to go back to school with new guidelines, we too are looking forward to getting Sunday School classes underway at St. George.

We are proceeding most cautiously with September 20, 2020 being Registration and First Day of classes. The plan is to then hold Sunday School classes twice a month: October 4th, October 18, November 1st, and November 15th. Following Thanksgiving the situation will be further assessed, and you will be notified accordingly

The schedule on September 20th is as follows:

10:15 to 10:30: Enter church through steps leading up to sanctuary. Temperature as well as attendance will be logged in. Masks are required and sanitizers are available.

Proceed downstairs to Assadourian Hall

Registration cards are available. Children aged 4 years through 11th grade are encouraged to attend.

10:30 to 11:30: Classes will be held in Assadourian Hall

Classes will be maintained with social distancing guidelines in place. If attendance is high on a particular Sunday, a class will be assigned to the Parish House or church library according to distancing guidelines.

All precautions will be maintained, with furniture and all equipment thoroughly sanitized.

Assembly will be conducted at the individual class settings. Prayers will be recited in English and in Armenian, children will be asked to participate in the Bible readings appropriate for the day, and their offerings will be collected.

To increase stewardship we hope you can encourage our students to do a chore at home or help out in their community to earn money for their individual offering. Any amount of offering is gratefully accepted

Following classroom time the children will proceed as a group upstairs to the sanctuary permitting suitable social distanced spacing. One Sunday a month, the children will go to church early to listen to Der Voski’s sermon directed to them , giving them a valuable opportunity to apply what they’re learning in Sunday School to the lesson of the day and also an opportunity to answer questions posed by Der Hayr.

IMPORTANT!! If a child is picked up early from Sunday School, a teacher MUST be notified.

If parents are not on premises during Sunday School, we MUST have an Emergency Number (cell phone, home phone) to reach you.

If you are interested in being a substitute teacher or classroom helper, please contact Cynthia Messikian by phone at (860) 568 5792 or by email [email protected] or Virginia Wasynczuk at (860-295 9038 or [email protected] No experience necessary!!

Please encourage your children to attend Sunday School !

Thank you so much for your continued support. And now especially through these challenging times we are so looking forward to spending our Sunday mornings with our students—we miss you!!

Cynthia Messikian
Virginia Wasynczuk
St. George Sunday School Co-Superintendents