Dear Faithful Parishioners of St. George,
We sincerely thank you for your ongoing support. Without your generous stewardship our beloved St.
George could not survive. These past several years have been a serious challenge for all of us to say the
least. However, we continue to remain positive and take steps to what will become a “new normal”.
As with any organization our financial challenges will still exist. Our driveway project, necessary
landscaping at the church and parish house, tree work, additional security cameras etc. are just a few of
the expenditures we incurred so far this year over and above our normal monthly bills. It is your
stewardship that allows us to continue to provide a full array of church services that are the centerpiece
of our ministry here at St. George.
So, we would now ask that you please consider participating financially in our campaign to raise $3,000
to help us defray general expenses during the month of July and the rest of the summer. Remember, no
offering is too little. Any amount of your participation is greatly appreciated.
Donations may be made online or via check mailed or given at church. As always, thank you so much for
your continued faithful support of St. George.
Rev. Father Voski Galstyan, Pastor
Ira Mahakian, PC Chair
Thank you to our Donors!
Albert and Barbara Zakarian
Yelena Abalyan
Paul and Sowgol Zakarian
Sue DeCorleto
Richard & Christine Berberian
Edward & Cynthia Messikian
Virginia & Gene Wasynczuk
leonid Voskanov
Special Appeal
Mark Hamalian
Kim Assadourian Bauer
In Memory of Avak Assadourian, Der Khorsrof and Yeretskin Mary Assadourian